3 Reasons Why A Dietitian Needs a Custom Brand

your founder, chloe

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Hello dietitian friend! You’re reading this most likely because you need a dietitian branding OR you follow into one or both of these categories:

  • You are a dietitian and already have a brand, and are curious if you fall into these reasonings to ensure you made the right investment OR
  • You are a dietitian who is considering the investment into a custom brand but aren’t sure if it’s going to give you the results that are often spoken about

This isn’t a salesy ploy to get you to invest into services or to validate your decision – we simply want to showcase some of the results that our dietitian clients have had with their branding and why its worked so great for their businesses. From there, it’s up to you to determine the worth of service!

Dietitians are our absolute favorite type of business owner to work with. It’s our bread-and-butter client, and we’ve worked with them exclusively for years now! Because we’re on the topic of branding specifically for dietitians, you can check out some of our best dietitian brands in case you need inspiration for your upcoming project or some of our brand tips for dietitians.

Let’s go ahead and dive into reason number one why you [as a dietitian entrepreneur] needs a custom brand for your private practice.

(1) A custom branding design for a dietitian showcases the years of expertise and education you obtained.

While you can easily convey this through your messaging on your stories, graphics and content or website, a custom brand instantly makes audiences perceive you as a higher authority professional.

To better explain, think of the Duke University Hospital, AKA, Duke Health. This is a hospital really close to my hometown, and when someone mentions the name we automatically associate super quality, high-end, professional and smart individuals who are employed by this company. Duke has grown their brand to be one of the top-known hospitals in the United States to receive top-notch healthcare. Does anyone remember when Christina Yang got offered to intern at Duke University on Grey’s Anatomy? It’s because she was legit!

I tell you this information because Duke has developed this known professionalism and quality because a) their employees are known to be educated and b) they have ran with their brand and marketing. It all started with being established as a higher authority professional.

You can read all about Duke’s brand on their website.

(2) A custom branding for a dietitian is a way to strategically target your ideal audience to gain more leads and clientele.

Branding is psychological and strategic at the same time. There’s a reason color psychology has been studied for years now! Certain colors create certain feelings which in turn create certain actions.

Different personalities are more drawn to different colors: it’s important that your ideal audience is resonating with the colors you are pushing out as your brand on social media or your website. For myself, one color I really dislike is orange. Thus, I’m less likely to enjoy any other brands that use orange as their primary color. If someone were to ask me why I dislike the color orange, it’s mainly because I hate wearing it, but it’s also because I associate high-energy, dominance and impatience with it.

Finding the right color palette that resonates with your ideal audience [but also integrates colors you love, too] is the beauty of strategic branding. If your target audience is 30-50 year old men, it’s unlikely that you would use a purple and pink in your palette – however, we often see people using colors that resonate with themselves, versus their ideal clients, which impose problems.

(3) A custom branding helps a dietitian streamline what specific content to post and where to gear your content.

Are you someone who is posting consistent content without a clue if it’s resonating with anyone – or more particularly – resonating with those who you really want to work with?

A custom brand design can help organize those ideas in your head into consolidated, physical content pillars that target your audience better.

In our brand discovery phase, we really tap into the deepest meanings behind your brand and in this process, we force our clients to identify specifics on their ideal clients:

  • Where do they live
  • What do they do for fun
  • What age group do they fall under
  • What income level are they
  • Where would you find them
  • What gender do they identify with

Many times this is the area clients struggle with– in identifying this, it instills higher confidence that they now actually know who they are speaking to and thus, can create content much easier.

Was this post clarifying for you? If it was, consider reaching out to my team, specialists in dietitian brand design, and let’s chat if a custom brand is what you need! Often, websites are the first thing dietitians tend to go for, but at the foundation, is their brand.

Convinced and ready for your custom dietitian branding?

Apply for a discovery call and become one of our last clients 2022!

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