A few months back, we had the joy of working alongside Dr. Dana Moriarty on a complete rebrand of her practice. Although you may think that clinician brands can feel too “clinical”, think twice before you take a peek at this one! Our website designer Madison did an amazing job at taking the brand design we created and using it to craft an effective website design. In a combination of the elements that we will discuss, Dr. Dana left Chloe Creative with a fully custom, strategic and more accurate practice that represents both herself and her audience better. Through this web design for therapist, you’ll see how we combined her branding, website, and copywriting into something that sets her practice up for success.
Enhancing Productivity Through Web Design for Therapist Project
There are a few key elements into making a therapist website productive. So, let’s start by outlining a few of the basics:
What Dr. Dana Moriarty Booked Us For
Dr. Dana came to Chloe Creative without any existing branding or website. She was currently booking clients through word-of-mouth and referral (which is great!) but she quickly recognized her ideal audience wasn’t going to be found that way. Most of the time, her clients’ parents were the ones who reached out for their child to begin therapy services. So, she wondered what she could do to attract them directly. That’s when we entered the picture! Dr. Dana booked us for:
- Custom brand design
- Showit website design
- Copywriting
Essentially, this is our full package. We like to bundle these services together for a cheaper cost because we feel like all of these deliverables combine for the perfect return on investment. The different types of deliverables you’ll receive with this project type is:
- Entire brand suite
- Brand colors
- Typography suite
- Custom website design that is mobile-responsive for up to 7 pages
- Website training videos
- Google Analytics setup
After you have booked your project type with us, we immediately will begin onboarding you into our systems and giving you your first assignment, which is your intake questionnaire. This questionnaire serves as a basis into getting to know you and your ideal audience as people.
We always start with brand strategy.
Most brand designers start with strategy before design because it lays the foundation for the creative direction. This involves outlining the brands purpose, core values, target audience and unique selling points. This is actually what we uncover in your intake questionnaire, so here’s what Dr. Dana’s intake questionnaire answered for us:
- Why did you start your practice?
- “In 2015 I realized I had so much more to give as a therapist. I wanted to make money, have flexibility and to be my own boss. I love being in a room with someone and totally focusing on what they need help with, providing support and hope. Reassurance that I can help them figure their stuff out.”
- What are some of your core values?
- “I value communication, having fun, working hard, having new experiences, challenging oneself, doing the things you are afraid of doing. Exercise, sleep, good food, going to see live music. Being independent, being connected to my husband and children. Taking care of myself. Making friends, being social.”
- Can you describe your ideal audience?
- “My ideal audience are emerging adults. They are college educated, men or women between the ages of 18-30 yrs old. Income is variable but most are getting financial support from their parents. They live in NYC and can afford to pay “out-of-pocket” for weekly therapy sessions.”
- What kind of hobbies do they have?
- “Exercise, socializing, travel, music, reading.”
- What does your ideal audience struggle with?
- “Five major struggles occur during emerging adulthood: Identity, instability, being self-focused, feeling in-between, and new possibilities. These concerns can result in mood disorders, anxiety, substance abuse. Difficulty establishing a stable career. Figuring out how to have stable romantic relationships. Dependence on online dating and addiction to social media. Also learning to deal with finances.”
By starting with brand strategy, we can ensure our creative work is purposeful, meaningful, and aligned with the broader business objectives. It allows us to develop a compelling and coherent visual identity that communicates the brand’s essence effectively to the target audience.
After the brand strategy, we now get to the fun part: design!
Normally your intake questionnaire is filled out around one week prior to your start date. But then, the start date rolls around and the fun part happens: we get to begin designing! Our Lead Designer AK has crafted a super smooth design process that is quick, efficient and nearly hits the nail on the head each first round (she’s amazing!). That said, we reviewed Dr. Dana’s forms and Pinterest board for inspiration, and here’s what we came up with:

Our client, Dr. Dana, loves bright colors. She even has a bright red fridge in her office! So, her brand design incorporates some “unconventional” therapist colors such as bright red and pinks. This in combination with the muted blue and cream created for an exciting, inviting and professional brand overall. The typography is very clear to read and her main element, the stairs, is clearly defined. Overall, it’s important that a therapist has a strong brand because this in turn is going to result in an effective website design (LINK).
It’s so fun to play around with color theory, compare it to our ideal audiences and see how your message is still conveyed correctly. After this portion of the project is done, we hand over our contents to Diana, our in-house copywriter to work her magic on crafting the words for her website.
Website copywriting for therapist website
When crafting the copywriting for a therapist website, Diana has nailed down our clientele. Not only does she review any intake forms we give our clients, she also does extensive research herself. Diana did an amazing job on Stokewell Counseling that targets children, teens and adults for therapy services.
In similar fashion, Diana and Dr. Dana hopped on a one-on-one call to discuss her ideal client further and ended up with 7 pages of done-for-you copywriting. Dr. Dana recognized that she did not have the time nor resources to write SEO-driven copywriting. This was such a great way to level-up her website design.
Web design for therapist concepts
At this point in the process, Dr. Dana now has a well-thought branding and SEO-driven website design. Now it’s time for her web design to implement all of the above elements into a strategic piece of her business model within her practice. Not only does a custom website design create completely unique elements to your business, but it ensures that your brand is conveyed in a completely accurate tone. When it’s custom, people know.
The main goal for the website design for DLM Psychology was to communicate that Dr. Dana is on the same wave length as her ideal audience. Remember, Dr. Dana targets 18 to 30 year olds in New York City. This is important to know in understanding how we can craft a design that communicates that message, given that she’s older than her ideal audience.
First, her colors do that job for us. But now we have to use them effectively to captivate the user throughout the journey on her website. Second, we know her messaging communicates on her ideal audiences’ level through verbiage and professionalism. So, with that in mind, the visual direction for her website was to have New York inspired photos where applicable, clearly defined sections, credential highlights and relatability. Here’s the concepts we came up with:

The pages on her website were:
- Home page
- About page
- Specialties page (with focused individual pages)
- Anxiety & depression
- Life skills & transitions
- Relationships
- Contact page
- Blog that’s coming soon
- FAQ page
One of my favorite things about this website design was the way we effectively communicated her credentials through not only words but visualizations. On her about page, you’ll find a timeline diagram of her education, certifications and licensing. We thought this was super important for her audience to know that she’s legit, and they are getting the best of the best.

In this web design for therapist blogpost, we shared the different ways on how we made this website design as productive as possible. When we design our websites [or brands] for our clientele, we undergo deep research to understand your ideal audience on an eyesight level. We want to understand who they are, what they do, their struggles, their likes and dislikes and how it all combines with what you like. When done correctly, your brand, website and copywriting all work together to drive new, fresh ideal clients right to your inbox. If you are reading this and thinking “I want that!” apply to work with us. We are a design agency that specializes in clinician design services and love working with new or established private practices.
Check Out Our Other Web Design for Therapist Projects
- Growing Kind Minds, New York Therapist
- Stokewell Counseling, North Carolina Therapist