Phew!!! This website was a big one. Coming in at 16 pages, we custom-created this entire website from scratch. Luckily, Lauren had a previous website on Wix that we could use copy from, but this entire website had a MAJOR upgrade.
This website has a lot of fun colors and Lauren even had a new brand video done, which is right in the second section of her home page.

A new page that we added was her Shop page. On this page, you are able to shop her three different testing packages that is made available through the Shopify Buy Button. That’s what’s awesome about Showit — you are able to integrate with SO many different platforms with the easiest process.
Also on her shop page, we placed all of Lauren’s affiliate products with discount codes and detailed descriptions of each; I thought this was such a fun addition and it’s always a plus to purchase something that can help a small business!
Lauren is just such an amazing nutritionist. She is well-respected in her profession and you can tell — we had to create an ENTIRE page separate for her client success stories. Like what?! Go Lauren!
Lastly, as we were approaching her launch, she was also working on fun behind the scenes things herself — her newest podcast Your Nutrition BFF. We created a podcast page that brings in episodes via the Libsyn podcast hosting plugin.
You can view her live site, here.