Hannah Byrne Nutrition is a private practice dietitian brand and website design project that turned out SO beautifully. With vibrant colors paired with a few neutral tones, the final color palette is a perfect balance of lively and calm. If you are a dietitian who loves bright and colorful palettes, check out SUNutrition, Nourishing NY and The IBS & SIBO Dietitian projects!
Project Type:
- Custom branding design
- Showit website design
Q: Why did you start your private practice?
I felt like I wasn’t making as big of an impact on people when working at my clinical job. I wanted to be able to form a relationship with the people I work with and create a safe space where they can speak openly about their relationship with food.
Brand Values:
- Relationships [family, friends and clients]
- Faith
Private Practice Dietitian Ideal Audience:
- Loves working with a wide range of audiences
- Diabetes
- Chronic kidney disease
- GI Issues
- Eating disorders
- General nutrition
- Weight loss
- Male and female
- 20-75 years of age
Hannah Byrne Nutrition Brand Concepts:

Private Practice Dietitian Showit Website Design
Hannah previously had a Squarespace website that was functional, but not converting clients well. So, the first thing we did was take a peek at the website itself and make notes on things that she liked, and things she disliked about it.
From there, we moved her website to Showit to have a super fun and outgoing website design (Showit is SO easy to design on and really has no limit on capabilities!). Yes, Squarespace can be equally as beautiful (check out Nourishing NY’s website!), but maintaining the code on the site can be challenging for our clients. Showit is a great alternate!

Are you a private practice dietitian?
If you are searching for a new look for your online private practice or need a website that actually works for you, take a peek at our portfolio and then apply for a discovery call.