How I Doubled My Income by Niching Down

your founder, chloe

On this side of the blog, you’ll find education in all realms of business – website design, branding, marketing, copywriting and search engine optimization. If you’re a client, you may even see your project highlighted so others can see! Either way, there’s loads to see here. Team Chloe Creative welcomes you!

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As most of you know, I’m a huge advocate for niching down in business. You can read more here about Why I Chose My Specific Niche. In this post, I want to chat more about how this happened when I decided to become more focused in the wellness space. I officially decided to niche into the dietitian community at the end of 2020. At this point, I was receiving traction from dietitian clients, but hadn’t necessarily become exclusive to them. My social media strategy also was not geared towards them. My average income at this time was around $5000/mo with an average of three dietitian clients at a time. Moving into November, December and January of 2021, my income was steadily increasing which came in correlation with more dietitian clients – at this time, around 6. The first question I want to cover: how did I gain more dietitian clients from November 2020 – now?

  • I changed my social strategy. Starting in the ladder months of 2020, I began changing my content to appeal to dietitians. For example, my colors began to change [wellness is associated with green,] I began to use call out text such as “Dietitians, stop scrolling!” and even began leaking some passion projects that I did on dietitian clients to showcase my portfolio in the area.

  • I got involved in niched down Facebook groups. I wanted to begin making connections with entrepreneurs that would be labeled as my “dream client.” As soon as I got plugged into other communities, I began sharing my knowledge with them. Note: this does not mean to get involved in these groups and begin selling yourself. Never do this! Treat this as an educational opportunity to show yourself as a professional in your field. When someone in your niched down community asks for help in your area, comment to show them your level of expertise!

  • Referrals were key. With my niche being very specific, my goal was to become the go-to gal for dietitians in the space. As I grew, others would send my information to their friends/family who then would end up working with me. It made my heart SO happy to this day 🙂

The second question: as you entered your niche, what did you do to maintain connections with your ideal client?

  • I invested in an SEO copywriter. Now that I was slowly becoming known in my ideal area, I needed to “up” my game via my website. I hired an SEO copywriter [always thankful for @saltedpages!] who re-did my entire website copy and optimized it for dietitian content. This meant adding in keywords and dripping content that actually spoke to them/combined well with my design to create an amazing user journey. To this day, my main client referral program has been by organic search. My SEO rankings have increased, and almost every client I receive are in the dietitian space.

  • I launched a template shop only for dietitians [this is not in business anymore!] I’ll admit, the template shop was definitely not my thing, but launching resources for your specific niche can really attract your ideal audience more. I created a template shop of website templates that catered to anyone and everyone in the wellness space – I decided to close the shop down because I learned it was something I felt like I had to do, because everyone else was. I didn’t want disingenuous components to be in my business! However, if this is something that excites you, I fully recommend it!

  • I engaged with them in my community. Instagram is a very strategic platform (hopefully my social media gal can agree with me here!) but I wasn’t someone who wanted to grow without being intentional to myself. So, I started following and engaging with people who I would love to work with. This might mean liking a few of their photos, or even chatting with them in the DMs to learn about them more. I honestly love this business (and this niche) because of the people I get to meet, and this truly fueled my heart.

With the combination of all of the above tactics, I feel that now I have positioned myself in the dietitian community to be a resource for all entrepreneurs in this space while also doubling my income since last year. Along the way, I’ve increased prices to match the level of skillset and value we bring, which in turn, attracts more clients whom are looking for a higher elevation in their brand or website design. I truly love and respect all of my dietitian girls out there, and it makes me happy to work with them every chance I get. Niching down has been a vital turning point in my career and I know it can be for you, too!

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