If anyone knows how to optimize a work from home office space for productivity – it’s me! Why? Because I was a COVID-19 graduate and never actually worked a full-time job in person before. I definitely had internships in person prior to the pandemic, but ever since 2020, I’ve worked from home full-time. In this post, I’ll be discussing my top 10 work from home productivity tips for a better workday.
Since 2020, working from home has become the norm. Like – who goes in office anymore?
Kidding, kidding – my husband literally goes in office, but you get what I mean. It’s just not as normal as it was before. Plus, it gives individuals a leverage to ask for more remote workdays.
In 2021, I took my company, Chloe Creative, full-time and quit my corporate job. Working from home is a large part of my life and luckily I’ve never had issues with productivity while in the comfort of my home. However, on days my husband works from home – I get to see how people actually do struggle with this!
There are a couple of ways to optimize your workspace for maximum productivity:
- Create separation of space
- Manage your time via multiple avenues
- Limit distractions
- Invest in technology
- Work-life balance

Why should you work from home?
Personally, I’ve found so much goodness that has come from working from home. I am fully aware that not everyone has the ability to work from home or that it’s even feasible for their lifestyle. Instead, I want this section to focus on why I enjoy working from home! I love working from home because I’m able to really focus on establishing a better work-life balance by incorporating more home tasks throughout my day.
For example, usually on Monday’s, my husband is also home from work. We tend to use this day as a day to tackle a lot of home tasks such as laundry, meal prepping, or grocery runs if we’ve missed something. I fully recognize that if you work fully in office, these things would likely need to be done over the weekend.
Another reason I really enjoy working from home is the flexibility of what my workspace can be. I am not someone who likes to be bound to sitting at a desk all day – and that’s okay! I love having the option of working at my desk, or my couch or outside when it’s nice outside.
Let’s get down to the purpose of this post – working from home simply doesn’t matter if you aren’t productive. This is a big reason why a lot of people prefer to work in office!
Why is productivity important?
In short, productivity is important to ensuring you are optimizing your time during your workday. If you aren’t able to manage your time to tackle your tasks in a days time, maybe working from home isn’t for you.
A common misconception is that people who work from home actually sit around all day and do nothing – which couldn’t be further from the truth!
Instead, it requires a lot more “skill” to master the work from home lifestyle to maximize your productivity. You have to remember: you don’t have a boss standing over your desk watching your every move, so you are responsible for having that due diligence!
Below are a couple of tips I have if you are finding yourself in a rut of productivity by working from home or are just now diving into this lifestyle.
1. Create a separation of space
Having a space to work that is separate from where you eat your lunch, watch TV or sleep is key in maximizing your productivity.
Believe it or not – this is actually harder than it sounds!
When you work from home, you can get very comfortable “merging” your spaces within your home by working from the couch, working through lunch (i.e. bringing lunch into your office and eating while working) or even working from bed.
While all of these are okay at certain times, I wouldn’t recommend making this a habit.
Creating a separation of space is within my top 10 work from home productivity tips because it’s the main way to craft the setup of an actual corporate job.
My biggest tip is to have a set room within your house that’s only for working. If you don’t have a large home (like us currently), find a space within your home that you can dedicate to working – maybe it’s your kitchen counter or your dining room table.
2. Limit your distractions
Personally, this isn’t something that I tend to struggle with. However, my husband definitely finds himself distracted from work in many ways when he’s home on certain days.
If you are like him – that’s okay and that’s totally normal!
However, you do want to get ahead of your distractions to ensure you can actually be productive at home in your workspace. With that said, you should do your best to limit your distractions from:
- TV/entertainment
- Household chores
- Hobbies
- Cell phones, tablets, non-work handheld technology
- People
In order to limit these distractions, again, find yourself in that separated space (office over working from couch).
Maybe turn your TV off and keep it off until you take your lunch break!
Or – better yet, begin time-blocking your day (more on this below). When you time-block, you can set aside certain minutes/hours/portions of your workday dedicated to said “distractions”.
For example, if you know you need to do laundry during your workday, simply time-block and move about your day once done!
3. Learn how to time block.
If you’ve never time-blocked, I highly recommend it!
I didn’t begin time-blocking until I was post-college and fully fledged into the corporate world. Being a COVID-19 graduate, I started my full-time career by working from home.
I quickly learned that there was a lot of distractions and that time in one business day truly isn’t enough to get all the things done needed to run a household.
Time-blocking also came in handy when scaling my design studio – if I didn’t block my time, I would seriously overwork myself to the brink of burnout. I’ve been there, done that, and it’s no fun!
To time-block, simply hop onto Google Calendar and create “windows” for certain tasks. Here’s a sample of a workday that I’ve time-blocked in the past:

4. Invest in good technology.
If you are working fully from home, you need to invest in good technology to maximize your productivity.
Being someone that hates spending money – technology is one area that I am totally okay investing in because I know it’s worth it longterm.
The reason why it falls under my top 10 work from home productivity tips is because having older technology can cause issues in your workday that you didn’t plan for. Have you ever sat down at your desk to turn on your computer for it to completely just not work? I have.
The best rule of thumb is to upgrade your tech every 5 or so years. Most of the time – especially if you use Apple products – this is the window I’ve noticed that the operating systems cannot keep up with updated technology.
My personal favorite work from home office setup is the laptop lifestyle – I love working from my laptop! Although, I still have an iMac when I need a bigger workspace.
5. Have a great work-life balance.
All I can say on this point is that I am still – to this day – working on having a great work-life balance.
As a soon to be new mom, I understand that my life is really going to look completely different than it does right now. Either way, baby or not, you still need to have a healthy balance of work and life activities to maximize your productivity.
Imagine working yourself day in and out to burnout, only to wake up the next day to do the exact same thing.
Eventually, you will crumble.
Your productivity will deteriorate and likely your end-result products for work will showcase these signs of burnout. We don’t want this to happen!
To have a better work-life balance, I’d highly recommend breaking your days up via time-blocking and actually make space for activities you enjoy. For my schedule, Monday’s are super busy, so I know to fit in a workout during this day to make some space away from work.
This also means – no work on weekends if it’s not necessary! I say “not necessary” because part of entrepreneurship or working from home is “grinding” during seasons of busy-ness. Again, crafting a schedule that works best for your season of life is key!
Top 10 Work From Home Productivity Tips 6-10
To wrap out this blogpost, I’ll leave you with the rest of my tips below:
- Setup a designated time to check your email (versus looking at it all day!)
- Prep your snacks/lunches ahead of time
- Take walking breaks mid-morning
- Stay hydrated and use electrolytes when necessary
- Find your most productive times and stick to that schedule
Let’s be productive together!
By following these tips, you can surely maximize your work from home office space for productivity! Together, let’s support one another for a better work-life balance and avoid burnout as best as we can.
If you want more business tips, jump on over to our main blog, where we help private practice clinicians run their practices to scale via branding, website design, marketing and SEO.