4 Things You Need To Do Grow Your Website

your founder, chloe

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If you’ve heard (or even seen in your own Google Analytics), Google is shifting. With that in mind, websites are becoming more and more important to focus your efforts in. Today, we’re outlining how to grow your website ⤵️

Now, before we begin the deep-dive into the mystery of blog growth, let’s make one thing known:

Growing your website into 25K, 50K or even 100K visits per month is a huge achievement that’s going to take a lot of work. You likely will implement the tips within this blogpost for months, maybe even a year, and then begin seeing the efforts pay off. It’s cliche to say, but website’s are a long term commitment.

Now, I know what you’re thinking…

Is a website goal like this even possible for me?

The quick answer is of course! Websites are like exams. The more effort you put into it = the better return you’ll see. However, there are a few websites we’ve seen that really hit it off easily (like those individuals who didn’t have to study as hard for their exams but still managed to get an A+), so that’s definitely possible for you.

Each website is completely different which also means that the contents you publish on your website might work for you, and not for someone in your direct competition. It’s really a trial-and-error sort of game.

My number one tip in website growth is to set a goal that’s tangible.

My last thing to touch base on before we dive into the four things you need to do to reach 25K visitors per month on your website is to make your whatever goal you set is tangible and within reach.

So, if your website currently has 100 visitors per month, it’s likely a long-term goal to hit 25K visits. But maybe your website is right on the border of 15K visits and you know 25K is coming soon.

Whatever goal you have, make it within reach.

Okay, let’s dive into the 4 things you need to do to grow your website:

  1. Blog your heart out. I’m sure you’ve heard this billions of times and you’re thinking: “Ugh! Chloe, I really don’t have the time to blog 3x per week on my website.” and if that’s you, hear me out.

    As the saying goes, quality is much preferred over the quantity. This is definitely applied to blogging, too. I really don’t want you sitting at your desk and cranking out 10 blogposts per month that are contained with just “fluff”. “Fluff” is basically the point in your conversation that you’re just rambling and the person you are talking to gets zoned out. You don’t want that.

    So, my number one tip here is to blog, but with intent.

    You can’t expect your website to magically appear on Google without any context or contents to get ahold of. This is why a lot of our clients do Recipe Indexes filled with many recipes to search and filter through. As a dietitian, it’s a great idea to get into the swing of pushing recipes out because they are a very consumable and searchable item on Google. I mean how many times have you walked into your kitchen with no idea what to cook for dinner and quickly do a Google Search?

    We use tools like Ubersuggest to review keyword rankings, blogpost performances and SEO titles/descriptions. If you aren’t very familiar with SEO (Search Engine Optimization), you’re going to soon become best friends if website growth is on your radar. We suggest starting with these four tips to optimize your website for SEO.
  2. Actually tell people about your blogposts. How many times have you posted a blog and not even tell your audience about your latest post? 🙋🏼‍♀️ I know I have!

    This is why we have a weekly email newsletter, The Friday Edit, where we have the opportunity to do a weekly roundup of the blogposts that have been published recently! This is a great idea to get people in-the-know about the posts you are publishing.

    Another great idea is to simply link them on your stories. You can post twice a week with a small graphic that says “latest blogposts” and link out to your blogs. This is a great way to reach a larger community and get clicks to your website from socials.

    As bad at it sounds, we get comfortable with doing the bare minimum of getting the blog out on the internet, but not taking the time to actually market it.
  3. Get serious about your website design. We may be a little biased, but studies actually show that your website design has a significant affect on your SEO ranking.

    Your DIY website might be working for you right now, but when you get into the world of brand collaborations, pitching for media, ads, and high-traffic websites (300K+ views), how your website looks is going to play a huge role in getting approved for all of those things.

    Speed, accessibility, platform, domain host, and website builder actually all have large effects on your performance and ability to rank well on Google.
  4. Make changes when necessary. With websites, it’s nice to recognize that what you’ve been doing for years prior may not work for years ahead to get your website performance up.

    If you need to change website platforms, do it. If your host doesn’t have the capacity to hold your user growth, upgrade. If your blogposts on Thursday’s don’t perform as good as they do on Monday’s, change your routine.

    When you are ready to get serious about your SEO strategy, you have to be comfortable with making changes constantly to get a feel for what works best for you and your users.

Around here, we recognize that website growth is a serious time commitment, but we’re here to make it easier for you. Whether you have just launched your website or have been blogging for years, growing your website isn’t easy.

We recommend starting off with a website audit from us to see where you can place your initial efforts to begin this growth. Then, if SEO strategy and growth is on your radar, we can chat all the things SEO management for your online practice.

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If you found this website helpful, check out these other blogposts from us to assist in your website growth: