I’m back with a portfolio project blogpost – this seems to be some of your favorite blogposts to read about (yay!) because they are some of my favorite ones to write about, too!
This weeks blogpost is highlighting Heather Gunter Photography that launched her new branding and website design back in March. Now I know you’re wondering.. “But this isn’t a dietitian project?” and you are totally right!
Here at CCS, we specialize in designing for dietitians. HOWEVER, we do take on additional projects outside of this scope if we feel it aligns well with our business. In this case, it was an easy yes.
Heather was actually the wedding photographer for Luke & I – so she will always have a piece of our hearts for capturing our sweet wedding day. Heather is also one of the kindest souls and a true representation of a southern belle. We came into this branding both knowing an exact vision as to where she wanted to take this brand.
In her brand discovery, Heather talked about her love for the Lord, being a friend to her clients and absolutely loving what she gets to do daily. It was truly evident that this brand needed to encompass the delicacy she takes with her business.
As with all of our clients, we require a Pinterest board to be completed in our brand discovery phase. Sometimes our clients absolutely take off into Pinterest and have their eyes opened to so many different styles – on the other hand, sometimes clients have never used Pinterest, and that’s totally okay!
Heather pinned exactly what we had pinpointed for her business: southern, classic, modern, all the things.

The colors of her brand were so delicate: light pink, light blue, cream with a combination of navy created a color palette that she resonated so much with, but her ideal audience knew the exact type of experience Heather offered with her clients.
As we moved to the website design phase, Showit was a clear answer here.
Did you know that Showit was first created for photographers but has now expanded into almost any industry? It’s truly amazing!
With this website, we needed to incorporate her patterns, styling and photos in order to really hone into the type of experience heather offers.

You can view Heather’s website HERE.
If you’re a dietitian or any type of entrepreneur and feel we’d be a great fit, I recommend booking a call with me directly to chat through the details of your project. We’d love to see if working together would be a benefit for the both of us! 🙂